#Africa Filmlocations.com.ng launched to simplify location-hunting


Nigerian startup Filmlocations.com.ng has launched an online marketplace that connects filmmakers to suitable locations for their projects.

With location scouting a tedious part of the filmmaking process, in which valuable time is spent searching for the right location, negotiating with property owners and sorting out paperwork, Filmlocations.com.ng aims to make the job more efficient.

“Our primary objective is to simplify the locating scouting process for filmmakers, so they can focus on what they know best – shooting great content – while allowing property owners to make some extra cash,” founder Akinwale Muse told Disrupt Africa.

The platform allows property owners of any sort to list their locations, with filmmakers then able to browse via a number of categories and get in touch with the owner to book the location if they wish.

Muse said the idea for Filmlocations.com.ng was conceived in the summer of 2016, when he had just finished a very intense TV commercial production for a client.

“It occurred to us that we spent most of the pre-production process searching for locations. That was when we realised that the location scouting process would be easier if there is an online database of properties available,” he said.

He said the opportunity is sizeable for the thus far self-funded startup in Nigeria, which is the second largest film market in the world and produces over 5,000 different types of film annually.

“Our analysis shows that an average of three locations are used for a typical movie, which implies that that over 15,000 locations are used for video production annually,” Muse said.

“Our primary market is Nigeria. We have no plan to expand into a new market in the near future, however our goal is to have 6,000 locations listed on our website within the next 24 months.”

The post Filmlocations.com.ng launched to simplify location-hunting appeared first on Disrupt Africa.

from Disrupt Africa http://ift.tt/2yjeFg7

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