#UK 24 more hilarious things kids have written on their tests and homework


homework kid study school

Some kids just snap under the pressure of tests and homework. 

Just take the following 24 answers that range from sassy to the unintentionally inappropriate.

We browsed Reddit and Imgur for even more popular posts about children’s homework and test answers gone awry. 

As always, we can’t guarantee all of these are genuine, but they’re totally entertaining nonetheless.

This kid speaks for all of us.

Source: GoodbyeGraceful/Reddit

“Red solo cup.”

Source: fnsteffen/Reddit

“I had to clarify what my son drew on his homework,” this Reddit user said. Scissors.

Source: jde824/Reddit

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

from Business Insider http://ift.tt/1l8sabp

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