#USA Learn how to negotiate your salary in our next #BizChats




Salaries. It’s the elephant in the room, the bush many professionals spend too much time beating around, the 800-pound gorilla that most professionals would do anything to avoid wrestling with. 

Can negotiating your salary be awkward? Yes. 

Does it have to be? No. 

We all know that feeling of anxiety that stirs within us when trying to explain why we deserve to be paid a certain amount of money. We’re here to put that fear to rest and give you the tools you need to negotiate your way to the salary you deserve.

Join us Wednesday, June 29 at 2 p.m. ET / 11 a.m. PT for our next #BizChats Twitter chat, where we’ll be discussing the good, the bad and the ugly of salary negotiation.  Read more…

More about Negotiating, Salary, Workplace, Jobs, and Bizchats

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