#Asia 8 startup pivots that changed the world


Aside from being some of the most-used apps in the world, what do Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest have in common? They all shot to startup stardom by pivoting from their initial premise.


Sometimes the greatest ideas were not the ones started out with, but those discovered along the way. This couldn’t be more true for the greatest tech companies of our time, like Twitter, PayPal and Instagram. While vastly different in their offerings, these companies have all benefited from the Great Pivot, that is abandoning it’s original purpose, products and services to pursue a new, more lucrative, user-hungry idea.

Pivots are excellent reminders that while planning is important, executing, testing, iterating and then going for gold is the way to go.

Here are 8 startups that failed fast and pivoted faster.

Pivot 1

Pivot 2

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