TechCrunch -the leading technology media platform, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups and reviewing new Internet and tech news. What better way than to pick the brains of Ned Desmond, COO of TechCrunch, who joined us Live! at Shanghai’s TechCrunch 2016 Conference! Ned chats to us about the hottest cross-border startups, the $6billion USD which TechCrunch companies raised, and also looks back on the biggest challenges TechCrunch faced. We also discuss the cultural phenomenon of Silicon Valley, its representation in popular media, and the impact this image has had on global startups. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in Silicon Valley or Silicon Alley in Beijing, this episode has something for every curious entrepreneur, investor or listener!
Thank you again to Ned, everyone at TechCrunch and Tech Node for their support, and our team, Producer Vivian Law and Production Editor David Xu, our sponsors Chinaccelerator and People Squared and most importantly you, our listener! If you would like to contact us please send an email to team@chinastartuppulse.com
from The China Startup Pulse http://ift.tt/2aNib8B