According to a study, 90 percent of large organisations have suffered a security breach, yet few directors review the security risks
They say a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Your e-commerce site may have the prettiest UX, and offer the most attractive prices, but, if its security framework is pockmarked with holes and exposed to other vulnerabilities, your customer base will empty out faster than you can say “Wait! I will close up this gaping breach!”.
An infographic released by UK-based multichannel e-commerce management solution Syncline reveals some eye-opening statistics about the state of cybersecurity among e-commerce platforms.
According to Syncline, 98 percent of test web applications are exposed to attacks and 90 percent of large organisations have suffered security breaches. Yet, 75 percent of the directors of these organisations do not involve themselves with the review of these security risks, even though cybersecurity forms the foundation of any sustainable e-commerce platform.
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It’s not as if there are fewer threats now. Quite the opposite! Over the last three years, there has been a whopping 144-percent increase in successful cyber attacks at e-commerce sites.
The infographic also provides a few useful guidelines on how to construct robust cybersecurity frameworks.
Some of these include:
- Enabling an address verification system (VAS) and a required card verification value (CVV) for credit or debit card transactions
- Using a strong SSL (secure sockets layer) for customer authentication
- Requiring customers to set strong passwords (which usually consists of a combination of numbers, upper and lowercase alphabets).
Here is the full infographic.
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from e27 http://ift.tt/1YKNGV5