#Asia Screw the tide, you can now surf with a drone


Welcome to the era of dronesurfing


While I’m no surfer dude with a sun-kissed tan, I know that surfing is an immensely tough sport. And I’m not just talking about the risks — shark attacks, riptides, sharp nasty coral reefs, and the surfboard itself (which can deliver a nasty cut).

I’ve been around enough surfer friends to know that even without any risk at bay, a good surf is only possible with the right waves and swells; otherwise, you are just going to lay on your surfboard like a beached whale.

US-based drone company Freefly wants to change up the game with their US$18,000 octocopter drone ALTA 8. Surfers attach their surfboards to the drone and use it to tug them along, allowing them to surf on even the most serene of waves.

Here is the drone in action.

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