#UK Apple’s iOS is beating Android where it matters


Tim Cook Apple Store

Once again, Apple destroyed Android in terms of online shopping on Black Friday.

According to a report from IBM Commerce, nearly 40% of all online traffic the day after Thanksgiving came from iOS, Apple’s mobile operating system for iPhones and iPads.

Only 17.3% came from Android.

But that’s not all: 27.7% of all online sales came from iOS devices, and only 8.3% came from phones and tablets running Android.

iOS users also spent and average $125.83, significantly more money than Android users, who spent $107.60, according to IBM.

At first, this sort of data may seem boring or inconsequential.

But it matters.

More people in the US use Android than use iOS, according to the analytics company comScore. So theoretically, developers should favor Android over iOS.

But people with Android devices don’t spend as much money or use their phones as much for shopping as Apple device owners. So iOS has long been the priority for developers, which means they create apps and optimize their sites and services for Apple products.

It also matters because investors are concerned about how long Apple can keep up its momentum in terms of iPhone sales growth. But if developers favor Apple products and continue to create apps and experiences for them, it feeds a cycle of growth for Apple. This not only can prompt iOS device owners to stick with iPhone and iPad, but it could also get Android device owners to switch to Apple.

Checkout the results from IBM’s Watson:

ibm watson ios android 2015

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