#UK Thousands of entrepreneurs to be nurtured at new Cambridge hothouse


bradfield centre, cambridge, entrepreneur

Pioneering Trinity College in Cambridge is laying out the welcome mat to a new generation of entrepreneurs willing to build the next ARM-style technology great in the UK innovation cluster.

The inspiration behind Cambridge Science Park, Trinity says its new John Bradfield Centre could be the catalyst for the next ARM and the new Cambridge Phenomenon.

With local tech entrepreneurs mourning the decision by the superchip architect to sell to Japan group SoftBank for $31 billion, James Layfield _ CEO of Central Working, which is creating and running the Bradfield Centre – urges nextgen entrepreneurs to pick up the gauntlet.

He told Business Weekly: “The sale of ARM Holdings to Japan’s Softbank sent shockwaves through tech communities and the business pages. The thought of this British giant losing its independence to an overseas backer got many hot under the collar.

“Amongst all the angst and outrage, many asked whether tomorrow’s home-grown tech titans are safe from foreign takeovers. Yet surprisingly few were posing the more significant problem, in my opinion – are we doing enough to ensure we can grow tomorrow’s British giants?

“Today’s SMEs need an ideal environment to flourish. This naturally includes appropriate spaces and office facilities, but it also means a community and support.

“If we’re to discover the next ARM we need to bridge the gap between the education and business communities. In Cambridge, steps have been made to do just this.

“The Science Park is home to some of the most promising tech pioneers today and many are university alumni who maintain close working links with their former departments.

“With funding from central government, Trinity College will next year open the John Bradfield Centre here in Cambridge. As the UK’s largest innovation centre, it will provide a home for thousands of entrepreneurs, including a launch pad and home for Trinity alumni.

“Central Working has nurtured businesses as they transition from one employee to 30, from startup to SME. I’m proud to say that just last month, one of our members debuted their IPO on the New York Stock Exchange.

“It’s a bold move by Trinity College. Academia and business haven’t always been the closest of bedfellows, but I’m sure that forging closer links between the two will reap tremendous rewards for our young founders, who need all the help they can get if they’re to grow.

“Nurturing entrepreneurs as students while also connecting them to the local enterprise communities will bridge the gap between education and business.

ARM’s sale has come as a surprise to everyone, but I refuse to be morose about it. The sale of the business is testament to its huge success and shouldn’t be unexpected in today’s globalised world.

“I firmly believe that the impressive developments we’ve seen from UK start-ups in recent years barely scratches the surface of our country’s tech potential.

“Now is the time to provide that vital support to help these startups grow into giants – and we should allow our universities to play a key role in that evolution.”

from Business Weekly http://ift.tt/2aNpzTt

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