#USA 13 priceless benefits your startup can offer potential employees




Working for a startup can be fun, and it can also be terrifying. But for all the media emphasis on cool perks and crazy hours, the employees who really thrive in a startup setting don’t accept the job because of free snacks or midday ping pong. They accept the job because it’s a great way to kick-start their career and make a bigger impact

The question is, how do you find them? With so many people wanting to work for a startup, what makes a particular one stand out?

With that in mind, I asked 13 entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) which benefits they offer employees that go beyond standard startup perks. Their answers are below. Read more…

More about Startups, Yec, Work Environment, Business, and Contrbutor

from Startups http://ift.tt/1P9u8D2

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