#USA 3 things every millennial should consider before launching a startup




There probably hasn’t been a new generation come along that hasn’t been accused of being lazy and shiftless by those who came before. Millennials are no exception. It seems like Baby Boomers and Generation X love taking shots at millennials to make up for similar abuse they had to put up with from their parents’ generations.

So is it true? Are millennials underachievers when compared to previous generations? There have been countless studies purporting to prove and disprove the claim, so honestly it’s hard to know what to believe. There is evidence to suggest that millennials might be less likely than their parents to start a business, but then they came of age during one of the worst recessions in decades, and are more likely to carry huge student debts. That’s a considerable headwind to face when you’re trying to start a business. Read more…

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