#USA Heal raises $26.9 million for at-home doctor visits




Concierge medicine isn’t just for the rich anymore, and the app Heal has raised $26.9 million to prove it. 

The startup, which looks to eliminate wasted time and money in healthcare through on-demand, at-home doctor’s visits, announced its first major funding round on Tuesday. 

Heal says its platform is a long-term solution to problems in healthcare — not an alternative when the doctor’s office is closed. 

“We want to be your family doctor,” Heal CEO Nick Desai told Mashable. “This is not something just to use on weekends.”

Heal connects patients to primary care doctors through an app and website. Patients can request a doctor for that day for sickness and injuries, a regular physical, flu shots or other needs.  Read more…

More about Healthcare And Medicine, Medicine, Startups, Doctors, and Healthcare

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