#USA How to fix work relationships that are driving you crazy




Mashable’s latest #BizChats discussed how to mend relationships that are on the rocks with you fellow coworkers. 

Over the course of an hour, our influencers covered an array of questions ranging from how to mend a relationship with a supervisor that you got off on the wrong foot with, to constructive ways to improve your work relationship with an incompetent coworker. 

Several experts took part in the conversation including:  Dr. Leah Klungness, Ph.D., psychologist and expert on relationship issues; Melanie Greenberg, Ph.D, psychologist, blogger and expert in cognitive-behavioral therapy for adults; Suzy Welch, business journalist, career advice contributor on the TODAY show and best-selling co-author of The Real Life MBA; and Sylvia Lafair, Ph.D., business leadership expert in optimizing workplace relationships.  Read more…

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