#USA How to go from private eye to startup CEO raising $23 million in funding




Luke Anear has gone from spying on people who had been injured at work to trying to prevent the accident in the first place.

The founder of Australian startup SafetyCulture, Anear told Mashable he realised he had been part of the problem in his previous role, where he often checked up on worker compensation claims. “We would go investigate what went wrong after the fact. I wanted to be part of the solution and help people avoid incidents,” he said.

Founded in 2004, the Townsville-based company announced a Series B funding round Tuesday. Backed by respected venture capital firm Index Ventures, Blackbird Ventures and Atlassian cofounder Scott Farquhar, it raised A$30 million ($23 million). Read more…

More about Luke Anear, Workplace Safety, Safetyculture, Australia, and Business

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