It’s getting close; for some a cause of excitement, for others blind fear. Delivery deadlines fall thick and fast from tomorrow, spreading gradually escalating panic as they do.
But if you still have ‘one or two things to sort out’ (you haven’t even begun to think about what you might buy yet), worry not – here are five startups to the rescue!
Papier https://www.papier.com/
Founded this very year by former consultant Taymoor Atighetchi, Papier brings elegant design and genuine quality to ‘click and send’ cards (personalised online, sent as a physical product). Blending Taymoor’s commercial experience and aesthetic sensibility (he studied History of Art at university), a Papier card is an affordable but thoughtful token for a great aunt or old friend.
Quiet Rebellion http://ift.tt/1I1wtzm
Another 2015 entrant, Quiet Rebellion has made more noise in their short history than their name might suggest. After securing backing on Dave TV programme Money Pit (and so no longer ‘boot-strapped’!) they have seen sales of their distinctive socks rocket though late 2015. There might just be something big afoot here, so why not be part of the story?
Dampney’s Remarkable Drinks http://ift.tt/1NUMQ18
My third 2015 newbie, this small Hampshire-based outfit produces a delicious range of flavoured liquors. Best loved amongst its growing rural following is the ‘Remarkable Raspberry’ concoction, followed closely by the ‘Glorious Goosberry’. Eponymous founder Jonti Dampney has been profiled in rural press already and is poised to expand the business. Rest assured that anything the website might lack in sophistication of design is more than compensated for by the taste of the drinks!
Willow & Warson http://ift.tt/1O8oTiw
This eccentric firm is now entering its entering its third year with founders and old friends Tim Brenninkmeijer & Theo Andrews still very much at the helm. Tim and Theo are pioneers in the increasingly known space of the wooden bow tie – and have recently expanded their range to include cufflinks and even a tie clip. A fun (and very durable) accessory to be sported at Christmas dinner and brought out sporadically – to great amusement, no doubt – ad infinitum.
Rubies in the Rubble http://ift.tt/YAe2q1
I came across this business a few weeks ago at their Borough Market stall – apparently now an established fixture. Founders Jenny Dawson and Alicia Lawson have produced a charming range of chutneys, perhaps the most Christmassy of all the seasonal condiments. As they boast on their website, “We make everything by hand, we’re generous with ingredients, and we are committed to our community”. Certainly my experience of their Apple & Ginger flavour stacks up against the second claim.
The post A Very Startuppy Christmas; 5 young businesses to the rescue! appeared first on The Startup Magazine.
from The Startup Magazine http://ift.tt/1O8oTix