#USA Peer-to-peer payment app Cookies launches in Germany


©(c) dirk hasskarl/fotografie
Husemannstr. 11, D-10435 Berlin

0171 / 315 98 87 

Konto: Dirk Hasskarl
Bank: Berliner Sparkasse 
IBAN: DE78 1005 0000 4184 6179 35

Steuer-Nr. : 31/333/60029   
USt-ID Nr. :  DE159965771 If you're reading this article and live in the U.S., you might not realize that Venmo, Square Cash, Facebook Messenger payments and other similar services only work in the U.S. In many countries, such as Germany, most people still have to rely on wire transfers and IBANs to send money to their friends. German startup Cookies wants to make peer-to-peer payments as easy as 1-2-3. It is… Read More

from Startups – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/2buCY0n

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